
Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Ok, so earlier in the week I was preaching that Congressmen and Executive branch members are hypocrites; that they operate outside the rule of law of The U.S. Constitution. I listed Section 8 of the Constitution: Obligations of Congress earlier in my blog. There were many detailed duties of Congress listed in the piece, and rightly so: It is very important for our leaders to perform functions that benefit society. Here's the problem: Representatives have operated outside the explicit rule of law of the Constitution, and in so doing have breeched their responsibilities to their constituents.
For example, where is it written that our government should be involved in the hiring/firing of private company's CEO's? Heck, what about the takeover of an entire company! Do you remember GM? Obama, replaced Wagoner(CEO), then he screwed senior bondholders and demanded they take less than what the LAW promised, only to payoff(bribe) the UAW . Look it up folks. How's that $787 billion stimulus/rescue workin' for ya? Since when does government bail out private institutions with taxpayer money? How about the middle of the night bailout of Bear Stearns? Forced mereger of B of A and Merrill? Most(all) of this is unconstitutional! Yet our representatives, in office, failed us. They peed down their legs instead of sticking up for their constituents. Paulson said it was to "save" the economy. They gave in. Bull****! It was to save the crony capitalists, the insiders. The people lost that day in October 2008. The phrase for all of this despicable behavior is "moral hazard". That's when your government believes it knows better than the "free markets". Once you turn the corner and look to BIG BROTHER for bailouts, instead of allowing for revaluations of assets and debts, you destroy the integrity of society.
Remember, we are a Nation of laws, not men. We are founded in the principles of natural law, inalienable rights endowed by our Creator, not a nation of people, under the tyranny of the STATE. It is a very big difference. HUGE difference. I suggest you spend the rest of the day thinking about how destructive "moral hazard" is to AMERICA.
In this country, "We The People", solve our own problems. For how long now, have we allowed our Federal government to abuse us, under the auspice of "protecting us" and "taking care of us"? I say "way too ***ckin long!"

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