
Monday, March 1, 2010


Today, I would like to ask a few questions. Are you comfortable with your level of knowledge of American history? How about current events? Do you strive to stay on top of the happenings of the world and society, but feel overwhelmed by the amount of information available to you? Do you trust your Federal Government? Do you have a working knowledge and capability of explaining the Economic Crisis of 2008? Why or why not? Was/is that an important event in your life? Do you think we are in a recovery? Is it going to get worse before it gets better? Would it bother you if you found out that much of what you learned in public school, as a child, concerning AMERICAN HISTORY was inadequate at best and slanted at worst?
Many of these questions will be answered in due time, but many can be answered today. If you desire to learn more about the details of American history(like the players who contribute to making public policy), or want to gain insight on the details behind players on Wall st., or maybe you just need a different angle to approach your study of the current events that shape our lives, you have come to the right place.
It is my goal for this blog, to educate the reader, to inspire the reader, and most importantly to challenge the reader to become a better citizen; a more informed person; a person who recognizes that without knowledge we are doomed to repeat the error of our ways. I challenge you to keep an open mind on this journey together. I am fully aware that some ideas that I present to you will be upsetting if not unbelievable to you. It is my hope that I can stimulate you. I want to raise your level of awareness concerning government affairs, economy, and how it relates to you, and your future.
Okay, so I am done telling you what I would like to accomplish. Let's get to work.

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